What you type What will be published
# Header 1
## Header 2

And so on up to 6.

Header 1

Header 2

Another 2

Another 1

Return once starts a new line.
Return twice (blank line) starts a new paragraph.

%red% Colored Text %%
%#ACBDEF% Colored Text Hex %%

Color list
Colored Text
Colored Text Hex
!~ Simple Underlined Text ~!
!~red; Underlined Text With Color ~!
!~green;double; Underlined Text Plus Style ~!
!~blue;default;line-through; Underlined Plus Type ~!
!~orange;default;default;7; Underlined Text Plus Thickness ~!

%violet% !~green; Combine With Text Color ~! %%
!~violet; %green% Works The Other Way Too %% ~!

Underline tags can be given 4 options, separated by a semi-colon ;
  • color : default | color name | #hexcode
  • style : default | solid (default) | double | dotted | dashed | wavy
  • type : default | underline (default) | line-through | overline | both
  • thickness : number from 1-10. Measured in pixels.
Simple Underlined Text
Underlined Text With Color
Underlined Text Plus Style
Underlined Plus Type
Underlined Text Plus Thickness

Combine With Text Color
Works The Other Way Too

-> Centered text <-
-> Right-aligned ->

Also works for images and ### -> Headers <-
Centered text Right-aligned

Generates Table of Contents from # Headers.
[TOC2] - From h2 to h6.
[TOC3] - From h3 to h6, and so on up to 6.
- Bulleted list item a
- Bulleted list item b
    - Nested item b1

Nested lists use 4 spaces or 1 tab.

An asterisk (*) can be used instead of a dash.
  • Bulleted list item a
  • Bulleted list item b
    • Nested item b1
1. Numbered list item
2. Numbered list item
    1. Nested list item
    2. Nested list item
  1. Numbered list item
  2. Numbered list item
    1. Nested list item
    2. Nested list item
- [ ] Checkbox 1
- [x] Checkbox 2
  • Checkbox 1
  • Checkbox 2
>> How to use quotes in Markdown?
> Just prepend text with >

How to use quotes in Markdown?

Just prepend text with >

``` python
s = "Tripple backticks ( ``` ) generate code block"

s ="Tripple backticks ( ``` ) generate code block"
Single backtick generates `inline code` Single backtick generates inline code

Horizontal rule, <hr>

\*not italics\*

To produce a literal asterisk or any symbol used in Markdown, use backslash to escape it.
*not italics*
Header | Header
------ | ------
Cell   | Cell
Cell   | Cell

Columns can be aligned to the right with --: and centered with :--:.

Center | Right
:----: | ----:
Cell   | Cell
Cell   | Cell
Header Header
Cell Cell
Cell Cell

Center Right
Cell Cell
Cell Cell
!!! note Admonition title
    Admonition text

Available types: info, note, warning, danger. Defaults to warning.

!!! info
    Title or text can be skipped

Admonition title

Admonition text

Title or text can be skipped

https://text.is/ or text.is
https://text.is/ or text.is
Link description:
[Markdown pastebin](https://text.is)

Be sure to include the "http(s)://" part of the link.
Link description:
Markdown pastebin
![Image description](https://i.imgur.com/kpnL6D4.png)

Be sure to include direct link to the image.
Image description

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Text.is - Markdown Pastebin.